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As a corporate responsible citizen, we build our self in combination of "Green Tracks" and "Beget Trust" to benefit Earth and poor students in and around us.
As we are into travel domain, we try to reduce carbon foot prints and soil erosion occurred. With support of YK Foundation , we build "Green Track" by planting trees on behalf of passenger for every five bus ticket booking with us. Once passenger book minimum of five tickets, we plant one tree with the name of passenger. There will be no constraint on the number of trees we plant on every five bus ticket booking form a passenger. Once 100 trees are accumulated with us, we start planting trees. For every three months, we will plant trees on behalf passengers, as it will be easier to form Green Tracks.
Join your hand to make earth more greenery by booking bus tickets with us.
Beget Trust is an Independent, non-profit, non-political, NGO founded by ground of well educated people form Osmania alumni, registered in 2010. Beget Trust support poor and needed student, who excel in education from KG to PG by giving scholar ships in building Young India.
Beget Trust will encourage students by awarding scholarship based on merit in various subjects by individuals. Special training programs for needed students, like Spoken English, Competitive exams and other for bright future. Everyone will be member in our charity program by funding minimum of Rs:5/- at the time of bus ticket booking with us. for more info
Join your hands in building Young India
Note: Every individual is able to check their funding amount and number of trees planted on behalf of them in profile page.